In response to the problems during the primary and general elections, Bob today introduced Bill 383, the Guam Election Reform Act of 2007.

Bill 383 requires the Administrator of Elections with the assistance of the Bureau of Elections’ attorney to conduct a complete review and repromulgation of election rules and regulations and a complete review of election laws with a report to the Governor and Legislature on June 30, 2007 . The bill also restructures the election apparatus making the operational aspect of elections the responsibility of the Administrator of Elections.

Bill 383 creates the Administrator of Elections, a classified employee of the Government of Guam, who shall have direct day-to-day authority and responsibility over the election process and be in charge of the Bureau of Elections. The Administrator of Elections may be removed for cause.

Bill 383 replaces Guam Election Commission with the Board of Canvass and Appeals. The make up of the boards will be similar. Unlike the Guam Election Commission the Board of Canvass and Appeals will not take part in the day-to-day or the day-of operations of the elections process. The Board of Canvass and Appeals will hear appeals, promulgate rules and certify elections and other matters.

Bill 383 also creates the Bureau of Elections, which is the successor office to the Election Commission bureaucracy and takes over the operational and clerical responsibilities for elections and accedes to including: the responsibilities, pending proceedings, books, files, records, documents, fixtures, furniture, office equipment, etc. of the Election Commission. The Bureau of Elections responsibility is to oversee the election process in the most accountable and transparent way.

Bob’s legislation also provides the Administrator of Elections, in cooperation with the Director Administration, the ability to designate such subordinate officers and employees as may be necessary for the efficient operation of the Bureau of Elections and transfer employees to and from the Bureau in order to tailor the Bureau’s workforce to the peak demands and slack times that occur during the election cycle.

The bill also provides that all details relating to the decisions of Board, the promulgation of rules and regulations governing the Bureau of Elections, the Administrator of Elections and the Board of Canvass and Appeals, and the data, reports, and forms administered by the Administrator of Elections shall be posted on the Bureau of Elections’ official government website.

Bob also today introduced Bill 384 which eliminates the posting of political campaign signs on government right-of-ways; and Bill 385 which allows the erection of political signs on private property.


Tuesday, October 17, 2006, Bob introduced Bill 375, the “CATS Act,” which if enacted into law would create the Certified Augmentation Teacher Service (CATS).

Public Law 28-45, the Every Child is Entitled to an Adequate Public Education Act, goes into full effect on October 1, 2007. The Guam Public School System is mandated to fill positions in the school system as defined in 17 G.C.A. § 715 Item 12. (a) through (e) and (k):

(a) a certified teacher for every class in a ratio established by relevant collective bargaining agreements;
(b) certified professional administrators;
(c) certified guidance counselors;
(d) certified school health counselors;
(e) certified allied health professionals; and
(k) libraries, which meet the standards of the American Association of School Librarians, at each school, operated by certified librarians.

Click here for more information

On October 9, 2006, Bob introduced two bills that deal with employment matters, Bill 368 and 369.

Bill 368 conforms Guam law to federal Department of Labor rules and regulations which were last revised August 23, 2004. The last revision of Guam law was a 1961 executive order signed by then Gov. Joseph Flores. Conforming the two sets of laws facilitates commerce because employers will no longer need to determine which rules apply to their business. Employees benefit because the wage payable to exempt employees, i.e. exempt from the overtime provisions of both laws, is increased.

Click here for more information

Bill 359 now P.L. 28-150 General Appropriation Act of 2007

Read the Bill as passed:

Bill 266 now P.L. 28-149 Educational Appropriations Act of 2007

Read the Bill as passed:




28th Guam Legislature

Session Votes for December 29

Session Votes for December 20

Session Votes for December 19

Legislature Weekly Calendar

Bills Introduced and Referred


Every Child is Entitled to an Adequate Public Education Fund

Instructions to make a donation
[PDF 260KB]







* Required Field


CCU GPA & GWA Rules and Regulations
  • Proposed Personnel Rules & Regulations [PDF 183KB]
  • Proposed Amendments to Bill 357
    [PDF 189KB]

Bill 1 (P.L. 28-45)
Every Child is Entitled to an
Adequate Public Education Act

Bill 13 (P.L. 28-20)
Educator Appreciation Act of 2005

Bill 14
Government Priorities Act of 2005

Bill 259
"Patriate" Guam's Organic Act

Bill 290
The People’s Legislative Reform Act

Bill 353
Office of the Guam Territorial
Income Tax Attorney

Bill 368 & 369
To deal with employment matters

Bill 375

As of November 30, 2006

How did Bob use his savings?
Find out here

Letter from Chief Justice regarding Compiler of Laws legislation
Letter dated 8 Nov. from CJ Carbullido to Sen Klitzkie [PDF 723KB]
  • Proposed legislation - magistrates, judicial hearings division officers, & satellite court facilities [PDF 168KB]
  • Guam Judicial Workload Assessment - September [PDF 644KB]
Supreme Court reverses lower court decision regarding Primary
Prop A Decision by Judge Barcinas
CCU GPA & GWA Rules and Regulations
  • Proposed Personnel Rules & Regulations [PDF 183KB]
  • Proposed Amendments to Bill 357
    [PDF 189KB]
Public Law 19-19
Judiciary of Guam - Letter demanding immediate release of allotment due

Court Time Standards

Res. JC06-023 Annual Compensation Adjustment of Superior Court Judges
AG's Opinion:
AG's Opinion - Gov ability to Dismiss
Port Directors
AG's memoradum to Director of Rev & Tax - Re: transfer of cases and Civil
Case No. 04-00006: Julie Babauta
Santos et al vs. Felix A. Camacho -
Order Re: Objections to Magistrate
Order of Sept 19, 2005
Guam Rules of Evidence 2006
FLSA - Federal Regulations
  Compensation Review - Teacher
  Guam Code Annotated
United States Code
  Guam Organic Act
  Tax Tip Withold Less [PDF 93KB]
  Teachers can claim $500 credit
[PDF 395KB]
  Guam Procurement Regulations
  Form EQC:
Educator's Qualifying Certificate
  Guam Administrative Rules & Reg
  Resolution Request to Adjust the
Funding Formula for GPSS
  U.S. Constitution & Amendments
Letter to Governor from Calvo
re: GPSS funding

  28th Guam Leg. Standing Rules
  An Ethical Tool Kit
MIP & Medicaid information, FY 2006
  Guam Legisture - Past to Present
  • Section 4 of Budget Bill, PL 28-68
    [PDF 52KB]
  • Benefits, exclusions provided by
    Medicaid, MIP, and health insurance
    [PDF 297KB]
  • Benefits provided by Medicaid, MIP,
    and health insurance [PDF 665KB]
  • Demographic Profile of MIP Clients
    [PDF 363KB]
  • Annual Report of MIP [PDF 533KB]
Medical Referral Office Quarterly
Guam Rev &Tax Contact Numbers
  Committee Report for Tiyan Land
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